
– Hello, world! Welcome to my renaissance. –
Published: 11 Jan 2023

🪷 Backstory

Ever since I was old enough to have a sense of self at around 8 years old, one of the 3 things I was clearly absolute about with an inner knowing, no matter what others say: That I'd probably be dead at 25 or after.

The year I publicly launched this portal (again), I was mid-way into my 30th year of life. I can see now it all remains true.

The first two were very tangible and always present in the day-to-day. Dying after 25 was spiritual. I spent the past 5 years in labour with the deaths of old identities, a constant shedding of past lives, and spelunking the inner caves of personal truths.

This portal is an intentional work-in-progress space birthed from an inner longing to self-express. Communication has been a constant theme for me to learn and relearn. I now choose to discover and play with my voice, and am no longer locking that away out of fear – not as a <insert identity/label> but as much as it is possible for me to show up as I am, where I am in this blip in Time. 🎭🦹👽🧑‍🎤

Fun fact: It took me one year after taking this photo, to actually like it enough to use it publicly!

⚡The Present Moment – An Experiment

Something else to know about me: systems such as Human Design (HD), Western Astrology (WA), the Tarot, Gene Keys (GK), and YOUnique Research's purposepaper reading method (PPR), have proven to be very reliable for me to lean on as I navigate this material world we share. I'm no analyst or expert or professional in these realms, but however I end up synthesising my awareness and understanding on how the energies and archetypes show up and play out for me in this human experience, integrates into my very personal process in how I live life.

This is the part where I used to say I'm a Research Artist, but this identity—as with all past identities I've had—is set to die away in due time (in fact I already feel it shedding) so at the end of the day, I'm just going to introduce myself as just Me. 🙂 And this portal into my inner world is where I now begin to publish whatever needs+wants to be publicly expressed: Inner Expeditions exploring the Art of Living.

Also, Imperative Impermanence is a tag I use for posts that are more casual, on-the-fly, work-in-progress 'braindumps'.

💖 YOUnique Research

My energy is currently invested in several aspects at YOUnique Research – a cooperative of like-Hearted peers dedicated to facilitating personal (re)discoveries of each individual's essence of being.

I facilitate purposepaper readings as a part of Monique Suttorp's ongoing research on energy fields and wavelengths – Quantum Physics inspired by the knowledge within the Human Design System.

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